Episode 17: Guest Jacki Smith gives us the techniques of Candle Magic

8pm EST on August 8th, 2011 on Para-x.com

Detroit ( ok Ferndale) Hoodoo Extrodinarie Jacki Smith and owner of Coventy Creations, Mojo City Hoodoo and just great person… gives us the lowdown on practical candle magic with tidbits from her new Wieser book on Candle Magic.  Need a spell to achieve one of your goals,  Jacki comes on the show with Andrieh Vitimus and Jason Colwell to talk about the Hoodoo she does and the benefits of the practice.

More Info on Jacki’s products at Coventry Creations

About the Author
Reality Artist. Hypnotherapist. NLP Author. Oungan Metaphysician. Priest http://www.andriehvitimus.com